Spectator’s Guide

Captain Caption


Coast Central Credit Union


Don's Rent All


Visit Eureka California


Ferndale Chamber of Commerce






Maverik & Haywood


Mendenhall Studios


North Coast CoOp


SHN Engineering


Recology Eel River


Scrapper's Edge


Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race


Art Center


Frankie's New York Bagels


Huck's Humboldt Hotties


Captain Caption 〰️ Coast Central Credit Union 〰️ Don's Rent All 〰️ Visit Eureka California 〰️ Ferndale Chamber of Commerce 〰️ KRFH.NET 〰️ KEET-TV PBS 〰️ Maverik & Haywood 〰️ Mendenhall Studios 〰️ North Coast CoOp 〰️ SHN Engineering 〰️ Recology Eel River 〰️ Scrapper's Edge 〰️ Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race 〰️ Art Center ~ Frankie's New York Bagels ~ Huck's Humboldt Hotties ~

The Kinetic Grand Championship is a three day race of human powered all terrain kinetic sculptures. Dozens of Teams from all over the USA will brave 50 miles of Humboldt County's Bay, roads, beaches, dunes, trails, hills, rivers and towns. Get yourself to these Glory Spots, and watch teams as they compete for the title of Kinetic Grand Champion!

Find ALL the GLORY details for each race day below!
OR, Download this Spectators Guide JPG for later …

Day 1: Saturday

The Start
9:00 a.m. to “Noon”
Judging & Pageantry All Around the Arcata Plaza

Teams will enter the Plaza and subject themselves to Judging in categories like ACE worthiness, Safety, Art, Engineering, Pageantry and a "Brake Test" (Break Test?)

  • This part of the race is festive, flat / wheelchair accessible, crowded, kid friendly, and has porta-potties available as well as food vendors and restaurants.

At "NOON," the Goddess will set off the traditional SIREN initiating the dramatic and kinda dangerous …

Kinetic Swarm "LeMons Start" (Please keep your feet off the street and stay out of the way!)

In Soulatluk, the language of the Wiyot tribe, “Arcata” is called “Goudi'ni” meaning, "over in the woods"*

Manila Dunes Kinetic Festival
Noon to 3:00 p.m.
Manila Dunes Community Center - 1611 Peninsula Drive

Watch teams make mechanical adjustments to their sculptures to prepare for the sand. The community center hosts their own Kinetic Festival to celebrate the race’s passing and raise money for their community projects. If you plan to make it to this one, PLEASE avoid driving on 255! Fewer cars on the race course between Arcata and Samoa means safer racers and spectators. If you’re in a car, you can take 101 to Eureka, and come across the Samoa Bridges then up the course to Peninsula Drive instead of following the racers through Arcata. Thank you!

  • This “side event” is festive, with loud music, restrooms, kid friendly, food and beer. There is a playground for kids. The park is wheelchair accessible, but there is no parking, so getting in and out could be a big challenge if you are using a lift or have limited mobility.

There's no parking at the Manila Community Center except by permit so …

Bicycling is Recommended / Glorious!

Dead Man's Drop
1:00 p.m. ‘till the last team passes
Out in the Middle of “June’s Dunes”

After leaving the Community Center, teams will head out to the beach, then follow the coast for about a mile before turning to enter “June’s Dunes.” Then they will power up a 100 foot sand slope, slipping backwards the whole time up to the top. Once they reach the crest, teams will hurl themselves down the legendary Dead Man’s Drop, risking life and limb for GLORY! Watch for falling Sculptures!

  • This part of the course is a “protected wilderness area.” There are no restrooms or amenities, and no level ground. Expect loose, steep sand, MOSQUITOS, and no shelter… but LOTS of Glory!

Beach Hike: From the Community Center, you can follow teams over to the beach, then down the coast a mile or so to "June's Dunes."
Dune Hike: Or head over to the trail head at Coper Ln. & New Navy Base Rd. just past the Samoa Bridge off 255. From there you can hike up the course to the big dune. Some of the best views are on the trail coming in this way.

Either way you go, it is a HIKE! Bring water and sunscreen, and prepare for mosquitos!

Day 1 Finish Line
3:00 p.m. till 6:32
Halvorsen Park, Waterfront Drive, Eureka

Survey the Kinetic damage on sculptures and teams up close after their harrowing adventures! While there will not be a festival this year, we invite the public come see the machines that made it across the finish line, and maybe visit the merch tent.

* The Kinetic Grand Championship races on Wiyot land. Thanks to a collaboration with a team of Wiyot tribal members and staff, we have included Soulatluk (Wiyot language) names for some points and activities on our course. In doing this, we hope to play a small part in sharing information about the historical Indigenous places where we race and play.

 Day 2: Sunday

Water Entry
10:07 a.m. to "Noooooon" (When the tide turns)
Wharfinger Public Boat Ramp

Will they float? Post up on shore near the boat ramp to find out. Awards will be earned for Biggest Splash and Golden Flipper H2O. 

  • Parking at the Wharfinger Building is restricted to teams only, so they can get ready to go out on the Bay. Leave your non-kinetic vehicle parked along Waterfront Drive and walk over to the viewing area. This location is crowded, with people climbing along the retaining wall baffles to get a good view. While the sidewalks are wheelchair and stroller accessible, the baffles where you can see the action are not at all. For more accessible views, try the Eureka Waterfront Trail and Boardwalk.

In Soulatluk, “Water Entry” is “Da’ Gawu Lhik” meaning “where one starts to go in boat.”

Photo ©2015 Mark McKenna

Photo ©2015 Mark McKenna

Water Crossing
10:10 a.m. to 1:54 p.m.

Watch from anywhere on the Eureka Old Town Waterfront Boardwalk as teams head to the Samoa Bridge boat ramp and exit the Bay.

  • This location stretches all along the waterfront with excellent views of the sculptures on the water between the foot of C Street and the Adorni Center. Crowds are well spread out, and there’s lots of places in Old Town to find refreshments. Many viewing places are wheelchair accessible and kid friendly with benches and railings.

Look for the Kinetic Merch Booth on the Eureka Boardwalk!

Pit Stop for Lunch
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Eureka Natural Foods 1450 Broadway St

Teams will pit stop and eat lunch at Eureka Natural Foods, then head out South Eureka on the Hikshari hiking and biking trail on their way to the Eel River Valley. 

  • This pit stop takes place in the parking lot of ENF. It is wheelchair accessible, but busy with sculptures, cars, and regular store customers coming and going. There is a restroom available inside ENF.

Up and Down Table Bluff
As early as 1:30 p.m. to 7:07 p.m.
Eel River Road over Table Bluff

From early afternoon until course close at 7:07 p.m. teams will huff and puff up Table Bluff on Eel River Road, then pray their way down the other side. Known in Kinetics as "Melvin's Mile," this is your last chance to see Kinetic Sculptures on the course for the day. Park on the opposite side of the road from the teams and give them some much needed GLORY!

  • This section of the course is a long stretch of road going over Table Bluff. There are no amenities.

Table Bluff - This place has multiple names, in Soulatluk, which shows its historical significance, including: Rraloughugu’w, said to mean ‘road goes over [the hill]’ and Tvutgugu'w which refers to either the bluff itself or the Old Reservation.

Are you loving all this Glory?

Day 3: Monday - Memorial Day

Eel River Crossing

Sculptures will attempt to ford the Eel River. Entering at Worswick Bar, they will cross the river under the Eel River Bridge, and (hopefully) exit on the other side.

While spectator’s CAN access this portion of the race, space is limited. Be forewarned that there are no amenities here. For those wishing to brave the terrain, head to Sub Station Rd., then hike under the bridge. Watch out for trolls…

The Glorious Finish Line
1:00 p.m. 'till they all cross the line one way or another!
Main Street at Brown Street in Ferndale

Some teams are racing to the last moment, trying to make the fastest time. Others are dragged across the Finish Line by their muddy, bloodied Pit Crew. They are all winners, but only one team will be named Kinetic Grand Champion!

  • Main Street is wheelchair accessible with some crowded parts. Park on a side street, and make your way to the main drag. Some porta-poties, and public restrooms. Food vendors, stores, and restaurants.

Why do they do this thing? This insanity that keeps us sane? It's all . . .

For the GLORY!

Captain Caption


Coast Central Credit Union


Don's Rent All


Visit Eureka California


Ferndale Chamber of Commerce






Maverik & Haywood


Mendenhall Studios


North Coast CoOp


SHN Engineering




Scrapper's Edge


Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race


Art Center


Frankie's New York Bagels


Huck's Humboldt Hotties


Captain Caption 〰️ Coast Central Credit Union 〰️ Don's Rent All 〰️ Visit Eureka California 〰️ Ferndale Chamber of Commerce 〰️ KRFH.NET 〰️ KEET-TV PBS 〰️ Maverik & Haywood 〰️ Mendenhall Studios 〰️ North Coast CoOp 〰️ SHN Engineering 〰️ Recology 〰️ Scrapper's Edge 〰️ Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race 〰️ Art Center 〰️ Frankie's New York Bagels 〰️ Huck's Humboldt Hotties 〰️