Photo by Matt Filar
Kinetic Grand Championship 2025
May 24th - 26th, 2025
Welcome to Kinetic Universe!
There are many ways for you to be involved in all the fun we're having.
The Kinetic Grand Championship, our premier event, needs over a hundred glorious volunteers to run. Our youth race, the Kinetic Classic, happens every September and needs a solid group of kid-wranglers. We also have year-round community events that we ask volunteers to help out with, such as tabling at Arts! Alive, pouring beer at OysterFest, spreading glory at TacoFest, or representing at Rutabaga Queen Olivia Gambino's kinetic mixers. If you're skilled at event organizing, nonprofit management, fundraising, or marketing, we have committee and board of director positions open, too, and are always looking for new members.
We are currently recruiting volunteers for the Kinetic Grand Championship. If you’ve never volunteered for the race before, or if you’re interested in a low-commitment position, we have a couple entry level roles that you can sign up for, such as:
Innocent Bystander - (1-3 hours per day your choice of days all three is great) New to the race, want to see what it is all about before you jump all in? THIS IS PERFECT FOR YOU! Help with spectators at the Plaza, Water Entry on the bay, or Finish Line in Ferndale.
Human Sign Posts - (1-2 hours per day, 2 days) Do you have a friend that you want to sit in chairs with and cheer on sculptures while they race past you as you give them directions? Then, both of you sign up! We have multiple locations on the course where we need to point racers in the proper direction. Come and set up, make it a mini party for you and your friend, bring your glory out!! You get the best view of each team as they cruise by!
Essential Straggler - (6-8 hours per day) A position of love. You make sure we leave each site the same as we left it. You must be able to lift and carry. You will be working with our Trash Rat to make sure all garbage and recycling is taken out. You will be working with Site Leads to make sure equipment is brought back to its home. You will also be working with the Course Coordinator in anything they might need.
Ground Pounder - (6-8 hours per day all 3 days) This is for the most hardcore volunteer, the biggest of glory hogs! A diversity of jobs that can include lifting, standing, walking distance, dealing with spectators, and maintaining positive attitude. You are the backbone of the race and will be getting all the glory! New training meetings are a must which will include de-escalation.
Other roles, such as Judge, Timer, or Medic require approval from the Committee. To review all job descriptions, and their Leads, click here.
If you would like to get in touch with our Volunteer Director directly, email Aaron at aaronweshnak@kineticgrandchampionship.org.