Glorious Spectators

Photo by Terrence McNally

Find ALL the GLORY Details in the KGC Spectators Guide


Day 1 - May 24th, 2025:

  • The race starts at the Arcata Plaza @ noon(ish)

  • Sculptures end day 1 at Halvorsen Park in Eureka.

  • Kinetic Universe is NOT hosting an after party this year, but Halvorsen Park WILL be open for spectators to come view the carnage.

Day 2 - May 25th, 2025:

Day 3 - May 26th, 2025:

  • The finish line in Ferndale opens at 1pm this year (it used to open at noon)

Click here to see the detailed course map

Goddess Jen-O proclaims!

Amusement is the gift we give and get, so all KGC participants, volunteers, spectators, and innocent bystanders must try their best to have FUN at all times.

Kinetic Sculptures are all-terrain human-powered art vehicles, engineered to race over road, water, mud and sand. They are impressive works of sculpture and engineering loaded with “kinetic thrills” like animated faces, fire cannons, and unusual drive mechanisms. Kinetic Racing teams consist of pilots, pit crews and peons. Pilots power their sculpture and steer, the pit crews assists the pilots in transforming the vehicle for the various challenges and fixing mechanical issues, and peons, well, they do whatever is needed for the team to get Glory.

-Road: 7.6 miles
-Sand: 2.2 miles
-Road: 3 miles
12.8 miles

- Water: 1.3 miles
- Road: 20.6 miles
21.9 MILES

- Road: 7.4 miles
- Gravel/Water 1.3 miles
- Field: 0.8 miles
- Road: 5.8 miles
15.3 miles


Thanks to the Planet X crew!


A local tradition since 1969, the Kinetic Race is no parade!  In the Kinetic Grand Championship bodies of art and artist's bodies are put to the test.  There's 50 miles to go, over land, sand, water, and mud.  These intrepid Kinetinauts are a unique breed of human.  With a heart full of joy and a bucket full of tools, they face innumerable obstacles for just one reason ... For the GLORY!

Founded by metal sculptor Hobart Brown in 1969, this North Coast tradition has grown from a two block dash down Main Street Ferndale to a 3 day marathon spanning over 40 miles of Humboldt County California’s towns, beaches, trails, and Rivers every Memorial Day Weekend.

June Moxon and her Shoe

Day 1 of the KGC starts on the Arcata Plaza, at the noon siren. The racers take off to the Manila dunes, where they race through miles of sand to the imposing and inevitable "Deadman's Drop". Then on to Eureka's Halvorsen Park for the Finish Line party where spectators can see the sculptures up close after their harrowing day.

Team Melvin

Team Melvin crossing the Eel River

Day 2 starts in Eureka at the waterfront on the Humboldt Bay, where brave Kinetic Pilots race their crafts through the water (hopefully floating). Then back on land where they’ll trudge up and over Table Bluff, a grueling 1 mile up, and a white knuckle 7% grade down.

Day 3 Memorial Day Teams start from the private racers’ campout at Crab Park where they will head over land to cross the Eel River under Fernbridge. The last leg of the KGC takes teams through the cow pastures of the Eel River Valley, and on to the Finish line on Ferndale's quaint and historic Main Street, where they will celebrate for a while before heading to the Final Awards Dinner.

You can help support the race by buying an “invisible ticket”. Click the ticket to donate.